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The Practice of Learning From Your Kids

Being able to look at your child's abilities and be able to interpret them for the child's needs turns into how you can better support them at home and at play. It also helps you lead others to support the child along their journey.

When Skye was four days old at 9 weeks early, the doctors and specialists told us he wouldn't walk and he wouldn't talk.
When Skye was 3 weeks old, they told us he was scheduled for brain surgery. (He never had the surgery.)
When our wee man was being released from the NICU, they told us not to get our hopes up, but he's doing great! 

How was I supposed to process all of those other people's thoughts and words at me, as well as what we were going through AND now taking him home and worrying about keeping him with us?

As a NICU Mom the struggles are real. The overwhelm still happens all the time and the unknowns are constant.

Skye is now 8 ("and a half Mama!" Skye always says to me) and he talks like a teenager and walks like a champion! Why? 

Hard work.
And Scott and I practice learning from him.

Why do we as adults, think that our kiddos know less than us? Where did that ever come from?

Okay, to have my 2 year old file my taxes might be interesting! LOL :D But when it comes to development, spirit, fun and growth, how do we think that adults know best?

The charts and the milestones are guidelines to a certain extent, and they also create a lot of emotion.

Why the pressure? Why the added worries? Why the extra stress?

This is where looking at our kiddos needs to come into play and we, the parent/adult/guardian, needs to practice learning from them all the time.

Looking at your baby or child can prove to you how they are doing. They show you what they can or cannot do.

Beyond the self-talk that was going on for me when Skye first came home, I had two amazing friends who had older kiddos of their own. They both told me to watch what Skye is offering in his own ways. If the doctors are saying he's not moving "the right way" then how is he moving? Is he getting around in his own little mode? Great! And you know what, that's going to change. 

We all know that babies and littles change their schedules constantly! It's exhausting and yet it's essential to their own personal development. They have a plan. They hear the voice within, even when they're non-verbal. 

Their thoughts are real for them and it's the adults in their lives that tell them how they are doing things incorrect or wrong. Why should we be right and they be wrong? 

So a practitioner says they are supposed to be crawling. Okay... learn the exercises to help the little one, look to see how often the baby can handle it and most importantly, notice how that kiddo is "crawling" in their own way. 

Sometimes they just need a bit more time. 
Sometimes we, the adult, needs a bit more time.
And sometimes they don't crawl until after they run. 

Practice watching the child you are worrying about. Notice what their strengths are. Notice how they are teaching themselves. And then recognize how they are teaching you!

No more pressure. Fewer worries and reduce the stress.

Being their parent is an eternal position. It never ends and that's the glory. 

Learn from the little soul that has chosen to be in your life. They are our greatest teachers and have a lot to share!

Have fun playing and learning more about yourself!
Love always,


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