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Assume or Question, what do you do more?

So many times you may feel you're going in the right direction because of what you thought or what you decided to do and yet it doesn't really feel like the correct way to go. For some reason there's hesitation, you might be having more questions and inner dialogue inside of you, and you want to step forward but you are a having a tough time proceeding.

Are you assuming that you are going in the right direction?
Did you ask all the pertinent questions that you could in the moments you needed to?

I remember times in the NICU when I was assuming things - like what time Skye was going to have more blood work done or that his little stomach wasn't handling the amount of milk they were pumping into the tubes so he would just spit it up. I was angry.

Looking back I know now that I didn't always ask questions. I would either get upset with anger that would come out as tears or I would have a bit of a fit in my husband's company and then he would go and ask the questions. He was always so good at keeping a level head. (Thank you my Love.)

I think our society in general assumes too much, too often.

There is that saying, "When you assume something you make an ass out of you and me." I heard that one when I was very young and for some divine explanation it stuck with me. 

Where do you think you're assuming too much in your life right now?

Sometimes it's with doctors, it could be with family or friends that are annoying you, or someone else who just isn't doing what you want them to. Are there too many assumptions going on and you are wanting the other person to read your mind?

Well my darling, unfortunately our society (most of our world really) isn't at that spiritual level yet again. You and I as human beings require some verbal communications that allow us to hear from another what they are willing to share. 

To ask the questions that you are curious about or that you think will help clarify something for you, means you are taking more control of your own anxieties, your emotions, your way of life and your ability to make the decision that best serves you and potentially someone you are caring for.

This is powerful stuff.

When we can all remember not to assume another person knows what we need or want or that we know best for them, then there will be more freedom and fewer arguments. There is really no need to get frustrated... just ask the question you long to know the answer to.


When I started practicing this it was very tough. I thought others would judge me or think I was annoying for asking more questions. I also thought people would stop liking me because they would get angry with me. But you know what happened instead? Things got clearer! I didn't have to mull things over and overthink everything (like I still can) because I have a magnificent tool to help me now. 

When someone else's free will is involved it is best practice to ask questions first and then go from there.

I know you can change your life as I did and become more free with how you strive forward.

I Love you deeply and hope you can use this to bring more Light into your life too.
Leanne Rose


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