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Better Late Than Never?

I totally gapped out this week and didn't send my people the regular email that I send out. Oops! 

It got me thinking about forgiving myself and also how, when life comes at you, distractions are everywhere and things just don't get done that are in your regular wheelhouse.

Milestones are another one of these things that really get me frustrated. Why does everything have to be on time?! 

I understand why milestones are there and how our little babes are watched. I am grateful for the care that comes with some of the voices. But when a practitioner is pushy about it and not forgiving or not adjusting to the birth v. corrected ages and you're already stressed and exhausted and overwhelmed... Why does being "on time" have to take so much precedence?! 

Our preemies have come into this world on their own schedule and have showed us a different way right from the beginning. Watching them grow in their own ways and having them teach us on what patience, Love and forgiveness are really about is a powerful journey.

How we support them and ourselves on this path has to do with letting go.

Just because I forgot to send my email on the exact day I usually do, doesn't mean that it will mean anything different, or impact the reader less or even be in the awareness of the reader until I bring it up because it might not get read until the 10th! LOL...

However life works for you, and whether or not you have heard or said, "Better late than never!" it's up to you as the individual to change the energy or work out what is bothering you. 

I'm okay with being late. 
I feel confident in myself that when someone questions me about Skye's abilities or progress that I can tell them he's on his own schedule.

Don't get me wrong, having my one and only baby as a preemie and NICU grad had me triggered by many different viewpoints and comments for a very long time. And even now, some things will get me going. But, I've practiced being a guide rather than one that shames others for their comments. 

Being late with something is an exercise in patience, both from you and from the other person or persons involved. Sometimes it's lifelong and other times it's fleeting. Either way you are given the opportunity to grow.

Think of something that is an old belief or even an old societal construct and give it some new air. See if it still fits for you or if it's something you need to redefine.

Powerful stuff.

I Love you tons! 
Thanks for reading. :) 


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