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Be the leader of your life

Do you often want to take time away just for yourself and either can't or don't?

Sometimes, and especially if you're a single parent, you just have no options to escape and take time for yourself. It's very difficult to find someone you trust with the kiddo and you have feelings of guilt because you often hear things like, "He'll grow up soon and you'll have all the time you want." or "I never had time away, that was never an option for me."

Whether you have these voices coming from someone else or from inside your head, being a parent is a lot of work and the gremlin voices giving messages of guilt, shame and thoughts of 'you must power through', are NOT helpful!

The voice is not something that I feel I can trust because if that voice is making me feel pressured or guilty or tied down, then what is it serving? Certainly doesn't feel like it's serving me!

A few weekends ago, I was gifted the realization that taking care of ourselves, as leaders of a family, business or community, is something that is not just a necessity, but has always been essential
Let me explain...

Heather and I were chatting and it came up that gurus and leaders take time for themselves and for meditation. We spoke about Buddha, Jesus, Mother Teresa, Oprah and many others who, as it's said, would take time away for rejuvenation.

This got me wondering... why is it, that in our crazy world, that we pray to/look towards/follow these folks who carry/carried so much and we don't realize that they needed time to replenish too?!? Why do we think we don't need to replenish??

I know our society is getting better at allowing for mental wellness time, but there are still those gremlins, either within ourselves or from others, that tell us we're not enough if we can't do it all and all the time! Sorry, but WTF?

Why does my inner critic still say things like: "You shouldn't have to leave your family to replenish." or "You will feel guilty being away from your desk."

When in actuality, my knowing is that I replenish the deepest and best when I am alone and when I don't have to be 'on' for anyone else. 

Taking time away doesn't mean I don't love my family and my friends and the work that I do. Quite the opposite. It means that if I listen to how I need to recover some of my energy in a way that's best for me, then I can continue being my best self for my family and the people I serve in my work. 

That's why I've come to an AirBnB for a few days to sit in my pajamas, do bits of work that have been on my to-do list for far too long and sleep-in in the mornings. No meetings. No schedules. No being 'on'. 

Whatever you need to replenish and recover from, I encourage you to create a plan for it to happen. Often it doesn't need to be a few days, it can be a few minutes or hours, but at least you did something for yourself, as a leader of your life, to say "I'm worth it because I carry a lot right now."

I Love you! 
Stay true to you and we'll talk again soon.
Leanne Rose


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