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Are a Hope and a Wish the Same Thing?


My sweet boy Skye, often says things that make me stop and think. 
He is a thinker himself and ever since he was a baby, I could see the wheels turning in his tiny head.

My video blog today is about the most recent time his words made me pause.

This one made me REALLY pause. So much so that I had to sit down next to him and really consider his idea.

It's about Hope and Wishes.

So much in our world and our society is taken for granted and I know these new little beings coming into our lives as our children, are the ones who have the newest and biggest ideas for change.

It's magical and wonderful when we get to be around them, so fresh and so powerful, that they make us pause, ponder ourselves, and think about what we've grown up with!

Have a listen and tell me what you think!
Until next time,
Love always, Leanne Rose


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