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Allow Yourself to Make Mistakes


How often do we let ourselves make mistakes as adults? as parents? as people who are considered responsible in the society? When do we have the ability to say, "Well, hey, we were allowed to make mistakes and stuff at school. We're allowed to make mistakes when we're kids. Why aren't we allowed to make mistakes when we're adults?”

It's this thing that we're holding on ourselves and we hold each other up to that and it's a very strange rule that this society has seemed to hold on to for people who are older. The last time I sent an email out I forgot to add the ’t' at the end of the word ‘thought.’ Some of you may have noticed that. I noticed it after the fact and I hesitated sending something out saying, “Oops, forgot the ’t' but then I was like, “well everyone knows that I'm talking about. The phrase is Food For Thought. Why did I worry about that?

Do we worry when we are parents who have all these details to think about? Yes, of course!

There are details that need to be exceptionally accurate and absolutely on-par for our kiddos. But there are other things that don't need to have that same worry to them. Now thinking about all of this and whether we're allowed to leave a ’t' out or cross our ’t' or forget to dot the ‘i’, I want to give you permission to do this, but you don’t need my permission to allow yourself to make mistakes. If you haven't given yourself permission to forget an ‘i' on purpose or forget to cross the ’t' then do it and see what happens. See how it makes you feel. I bet the people around you or the people who are reading it won't even notice. They'll absolutely understand what you were meaning to say. Think about giving yourself as much compassion and forgiveness as you give others!

The other piece of this that I was thinking of is it was Mother's Day yesterday and when I think about these holidays they feel very controlled to me. Like we're not allowed to forget it and stuff that will happen. Well, that's not forgiveness. That's not compassion, right? And yes it's nice to be remembered. As the moms, you know, you're usually forgotten and at the end of all of the to-do lists.

But what if we, as the Mom, allowed ourselves to think about what we need and give it to ourselves?

Not because it's another chore and something else to do, but because it actually makes life easier. I like to celebrate things when it's on my terms and more than just once a year. Now there are big holidays that maybe the celebrating and the stuff can only happen once a year, but why can't we enjoy celebrating our mothers more than once?

I'm sure you do, maybe not in the same way and maybe you don't celebrate Mother's Day and that's fine. I think we all have... I think the point is, is that allowing ourselves to figure it out in the way that we need it, to meld into our lives. It's not an easy task to change the way of our family or change how things are done in our society, but practicing giving things to yourself and changing them so that it works for you and giving yourself that hug in a way, really can make a difference.

Honouring the people we love, in my opinion, is the point. Whatever day that is and whether we forget an ‘i’ or forget to cross the ’t' or forget the ’t' all together! It's a beautiful gift that you can give yourself.

I don't know if you've noticed, there's sun coming in onto my face. I love the sun. It’s beautiful. We're a little bit hotter than normal, which is a bit concerning for our fires this summer, but hopefully. cross fingers or whatever, everyone stays safe.

So Yay! for the sun helping our plants grow and Yay! for figuring out what works for you and going with that so that you can honour yourself whenever and however you need to.

Love you!


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