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How do you add in Tender-Loving Care?

Honouring yourself and what your needs are is not always an easy task. You're a parent, a caregiver, a child, a partner, a worker, a grandchild and much more I'm sure. Those who need you the most are your children because they are the ones learning from you and teaching you every day.

The close runner-up to being the first to need you, is You.

I'm a culprit of forgetting this and sometimes life takes over and makes me stop.

That's what happened over the last few weeks, I got really sick and my body made me stop physically, mentally, emotionally and even spiritually for a while.

At first the break was all about not getting worse and actually sleeping a lot.
Then is was about getting better in case my Skye or Scott got sick - which I quickly learned, I can't force myself to get better, it's just about doing what you can while you feel like crap. :)

The next stage for me was realizing I had time to rest and to think. My spirit finally came back through to me consciously and asked me "What needs to change?" 

Wow, this was not an easy question to hear or to answer. 
Honestly I still don't have a big answer for this big question, but I do know what has changed since being so sick - where my attention goes.

When you forget about yourself you actually forget about the care of the whole. The whole being your environment and everyone who is effected by it. This is seen on the household level and on the broader levels of community, healthcare and government. When we're not taking care of ourselves, it's difficult to take care of those who need us.

So here's my question to you: What needs to change in your life?

Before you get sick or burned out, where can something shift and your perspective relax into what you truly need in order to keep going?

Bring in some tender-loving care for you so that it can be felt all around you and by those who you Love.

Thanks for being good to yourself!
Love always,


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